Children and Young Persons Code of Conduct
As an athlete taking part at a Muaythai GB event or representing Muaythai GB, we’d like you to:
Keep yourself safe by listening to your coach or trainer, behaving responsibly and speak out when something isn't right
When you're with us, stay in the places where you're supposed to, don't wander off or leave without telling a member of the coaching team
Take care of equipment and premises as if they were your own
Make it to practices or sessions on time and if you're running late, let the coaching staff know
Bring the right kit to practice and wear appropriate kit for the weather
Do not smoke or consume alcohol during practices, competitions or when representing us
Respect and celebrate differences in our organisation and not discriminate against anyone else on the grounds of gender, race, sexual orientation, or ability.
Report any incidents of bullying to a member of Muaythai GB staff , even if you're just a witness
Treat other young people with respect and appreciate that everyone has different levels of skill and talent
Make our organisation a welcoming and friendly place to be
Support and encourage your teammates. Tell them when they've done well and be there for them when they're struggling
Respect our coaches, and the coaches and young athletes from other countries
Be a good sport, celebrate when we win and be gracious when we lose
Get involved in Muaythai GB events and decisions, it is your sport too
If young athletes do not adhere to this code of conduct at Muaythai GB events Muaythai GB staff will aim to resolve the issue with the individual and their parent/guardian immediately.