Safe Practice Policy

Martial Arts are activities where safe practice is essential to help prevent injury. Children* are particularly vulnerable as they are still developing mentally and physically, so training methods need to be modified as described below. (*also includes Adults at Risk)

ALL MUAYTHAI GB CLUBS should consider the following and design their own safe practice policy for their gym/club

All activities should first include a thorough warm up which is appropriate for the activity taking place. To help reduce the risk of injury, specific attention should be paid to those muscle groups that will be used during later activity. 

The risks include but are not limited to: falling on unsuitable surfaces; landing on the head; damage to the joints.

Safe practice should include, but is not limited to:

All training sessions will only run in the presence of a suitably qualified, insured and experienced instructor whose responsibility it is to ensure safe training practice guidelines are followed. The risks include but are not limited to: concussion (brain injury) from heavy blows to the head; damage to internal organs and joints from heavy blows; injury from inappropriate stretching and other exercises.

Date last reviewed 10/05/2023